We have conducted events in many US states & Canada as well as Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica & Cuba.
Sonship Ministries USA seek to provide a sound and demonstrably biblical basis for this revelation of the Father's Love, in the lives of believers as well as providing space for people to experience love for themselves.
We speak at church services sharing our own journeys and what we have discovered in the Scriptures regarding the truth of Father's Love.
Running Weekend Encounters is a part of our ministry usually beginning Thursday evening and continuing daily for the next four days through to early Monday Evening.
Topics include: Our Real Father, The Power of Sonship, The Heart of a Son, True Forgiveness, The Orphaned Heart, The Embrace of The Father, God's Mothering Heart and many more.
Some of the testimonies we have had from leaders and course attendees can be read on this page.
If you would like to have us visit your church or organisation please contact us for further information.
Over and over again we find that Christians can be part of the church for years and still struggle with their identity as children of God. This can often lead to insecurity, relational issues and struggling with the idea that the Lord has a plan and purpose for their life.
This ministry has a proven track record of establishing Christians in their identity as sons and daughters of Father God.
Through their practical teaching and ministry they have helped many people within the church here into freedom in this area.
Alan McWilliam - Church Leader
The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. People have discovered new dimensions of God's fatherly love for them and the impact has been both healing and empowering."
James Glass - Senior Pastor
I can look forward without fear, without suspicion, without doubt, believing HE will never behave like a human father or an evil being. GOD is our pure, perfect, passionate, pleasant, present, providential, protective, playful PARENT!
Patricia - Course attendee
When I got home Wednesday night I got this picture it was the labour ward Father God was there as I was being born he cried IT'S A GIRL and she is BEAUTIFUL the CREATOR of all the world took time out when I was being born to come and welcome me
Marion - Course attendee
Sonship Ministries USA
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